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Paul's letter to Philemon may be short in length but it's rich in practical biblical wisdom. In this course Prof. N.T. Wright will present abundant material from this little epistle to give you a greater understanding of Philemon. 

In This Week's Podcast

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What You'll Learn

See how Jesus’s sovereignty challenged the rulers and authorities—not with force, but with a mixture of love and clear thinking and speaking.

Gain rich insight into the working of God through the Holy Spirit to establish churches in cities large and small.

Understand the background surrounding this wonderful but small letter of the Apostle Paul to Philemon. 


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Professor N.T. Wright of St. Andrews University in Scotland is no stranger to academia or the church. After publishing over 75 books, Prof. Wright is respected as a learned voice in the Christian world.

In this episode, Prof. Wright discusses what God meant with the crucifixion of Jesus. In his winsome style, Prof. Wright invites you to look at the crucifixion with fresh eyes and eager anticipation as you “trust the God of surprises."

66% off The Acts of the Apostles Course

Luke continues the story of the risen Jesus who will now extend His reign through the apostles and others to the furthest reaches of the Roman Empire. We will see how Peter, Paul and others interacted with a sometimes hostile environment as they proceeded.